Is White Noise Dangerous?

Disclaimer: White noise should only be played during sleep.

As a devoted baby sleep consultant, I've witnessed countless parents navigating the labyrinth of sleep challenges with their little ones. One topic that frequently comes up in our discussions is the use of white noise. Many people wonder if it is safe to use long term or at all. The science simply says - It is safe when used properly and is incredibly useful for supporting our young babies and toddlers in sleeping. So, let's delve into the science behind the magic of white noise and explore why it's a game-changer for long naps and restful nights.

Understanding White Noise:

White noise is a consistent, unobtrusive sound that covers a wide frequency range, effectively drowning out other background noises. It mimics the sounds babies hear in the womb, creating a familiar and comforting environment that can help them relax and sleep soundly. White noise triggers our babies calm reflex, which helps them relax into a deep sleep with ease.

The Womb Connection:

During their time in the womb, babies are surrounded by a symphony of sounds, from the rhythmic beat of their mother's heart to the gentle whooshing of blood flow. Transitioning to the quiet outside world can be jarring for newborns, and this is where white noise steps in as a valuable ally. It recreates the auditory environment of the womb, providing a sense of security and familiarity that helps infants drift off into a peaceful slumber.

Blocking Disruptive Noises:

In a bustling household or urban environment, disruptive noises can easily disturb a baby's delicate sleep. White noise acts as a buffer, masking these abrupt sounds and preventing them from startling your little one awake. Whether it's the honk of a car horn or the clang of pots in the kitchen, white noise helps create a consistent and calming backdrop for your baby's sleep environment. This is especially helpful when you have a toddler and a young baby, or when your toddler is sleeping and you have a dinner party.

Promoting Continuous Sleep:

As Infants and toddlers move through sleep cycles during the night, they transitioning between deep and light sleep. Sudden changes in the environment can disrupt these cycles, leading to multiple wake ups. White noise, with its constant and predictable sound, aids in maintaining a consistent sleep environment. This continuity helps them transition into the next sleep cycle seamlessly, usually without making any noises. It is essential for promoting longer and more restorative sleep for your little one.

Establishing Sleep Associations:

Over time, babies and toddlers begin to associate certain sounds with sleep. By incorporating white noise into their bedtime routine, you're creating a positive sleep association. This can be especially helpful when traveling or during sleep transitions, as the familiar white noise signals to your child that it's time to rest, regardless of the location or circumstance. When we turn the white noise on during our baby’s bedtime routine, a signal to their brain goes off saying ‘Sleep is coming, it’s time to relax and prepare for sleep’. This is an incredibly important sleep cue/association.

Choosing the Right White Noise:

When selecting a white noise machine or app, opt for options that provide a consistent and smooth sound. Avoid sounds that are too harsh or abrupt, as they may have the opposite effect and disrupt sleep. Experiment with different types of white noise to discover what works best for your child – whether it's ocean waves, rainfall, or a simple static hum.


  • Have the white noise machine close enough to your baby’s sleep space, but not too close. Aim for 1-2 metres away.

  • The ideal volume should mimic the sound of a shower, between 65-70 Decibels.

  • White noise should be on for the entire duration of your child’s nap/overnight.

  • If you’re using white noise to help settle your baby, put the volume up to match their cries and then turn it back down once they are calm.

White noise is an excellent calming tool that creates a serene and conducive sleep environment for infants, babies, and toddlers. The use of white noise while your baby sleeps is safe and recommended. Understanding the science behind its benefits allows parents to make informed choices in nurturing healthy sleep habits for their little ones. Embrace the soothing symphony of white noise, and watch as your child peacefully drifts into the sweet embrace of slumber night after night. Sweet dreams await!


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